Giving To Others Is Giving To You: PMC Weekend
The Only Significance in Life is Giving to Others..
That’s one of my favorite quotes from philanthropist Paul Tuder Jones. The symbolism of that quote is truly represented each year in the Pan Mass Challenge.
This weekend, THOUSANDS of bike riders from New England and ALL over the country will pedal across the state to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Center. This years goal: $52 million dollars. WROR is a proud partner again this year. This is an especially important time, as we are coming out of the Covid 19 period, riding outdoors for the for the first time in 24 months.
Some of my favorite experiences with the PMC each year come from the broadcast kick-off day, which I am honored to host each year. Meeting the volunteers, the executive team, and of course the riders is always inspiring. Take one woman who I met who just got out of the hospital from her HIP replacement, ready to RIDE! She’s riding for her Dad who had cancer and was treated at Dana Farber. Or the team of 68 people that road their bikes from Connecticut to Sturbridge who together, raised $500,000.
Those stories are just two of hundreds of examples of the incredible commitment to help those less fortunate.
Take a listen to my chat with Pan Mass Challenge CEO Billy Starr and get ready to be inspired with a glimpse into 42 years of love, the reason why THOUSANDS ride each year. (Picture: WROR’s Brian Bell)