Your Favorite Celebrity Jeopardy Host?
In my years of being a student of television and radio, I have never seen this…
Sometimes, greatness, right before our eyes is blended so perfectly, we simply can’t see it. We saw it every night on Jeopardy. In seamless, humble brilliance, Alex Trebek wove in three contestants, a studio audience, a television audience and hundreds of questions on 5 x 7 cards, and the timing of a national TV brand with surgical precision each night.
Being on the air for most of my adult life, I know first hand about the element of maintaining calmed smoothness in the midst of a circus atmosphere, which television really is. Hosting a television game show is somewhat of an art form. While Alex made it look easy, his gifted skills as the longtime host were really revealed after his death, by watching others try to fill his shoes. Let’s face it: we have never seen the phenomenon of celebrity guest hosts for a game show. The Tonight Show, yes, game show NO, until now.
Who has been your favorite so far? Katie Couric, Dr. Oz, Anderson Cooper, NFL QB Aaron Rogers or CBS 60 Minutes anchor Bill Whitaker? Next on deck to host: LeVar Burton, and George Stephanopoulos.
I think Big Bang Theory actress Mayim Bialik is doing a great job this week. She’s no stranger to tough questions. She has a Ph.D in neuroscience.