Truly Spiked Seltzer Teams With Ice Cream Company To Create Truly Spiked Ice Cream & Sorbet
Truly is teaming up with boozy ice cream makers Tipsy Scoop to offer Truly Spiked Seltzer Ice Cream & Sorbet. They look delicious! And they deliver!! Hollerrrrrrr!!
Tipsy Scoops ice cream describes the treats as such: “Summer of Seltzer 2.0 is officially kicking off with the launch of Truly Hard Seltzer ice cream + sorbet!
First-of-its-kind, the hard seltzer-infused summer treat is available in the Truly Lemonade Variety Ice Cream + Sorbet Pack – combining the sweetness of real lemonade, the refreshment of Truly Hard Seltzer’s newest variety pack Lemonade, and the cool crisp bite of Tipsy Scoop’s handcrafted ice cream and sorbet.
No need for elaborate cocktails or homemade hard seltzer slushies when you could have an entire booze infused-dessert right at your fingertips, thanks to Truly of course.”
If you’d like to take a peek at them (and perhaps order some to be delivered to your doorstep) GO HERE!!!