Read: In Case You Need Help Making Ends Meet In The Next Few Weeks
We’re in uncharted water.
Yes, we’ve been through other communal life changing situations but presently we’re up against something we can’t even see. And it’s affecting all of us.
If this situation isn’t a testament to our interconnectedness, I don’t know what is.
We’re all adjusting to this new reality as best we can and it’s still early in the process. Eventually we’ll find a rhythm and though it won’t be the ‘normal’ we’re used to, we’ll adapt. That’s what humans do.
For the time being, bills still have to be paid and we still need to feed our families. And millions of us live one paycheck away from real hardship.
From what I’m reading and hearing from those in charge, there will be some kind of relief effort. I also found this article that I thought I’d pass it along.
A favorite adage of mine is: ‘This Too Shall Pass’. In the meantime however, hang on. We’re going for a ride.