The Pleasure Of The Power Washer!
Instant gratification! Very few things bring as much joy as something positive happening in a very short amount of time. I introduce you to the pressure washer!For relatively short money ($70-100), you can buy a new electric pressure washer that will not only clean hard to remove dirt, algae, stains, etc, but will bring you so much joy in a few minutes you’ll wonder why you waited so long to buy one!
Last summer, I found six teak chairs for free on Craigslist. I drove up to North Andover and picked them up. They looked AWFUL! My wife wasn’t impressed, but I promised her they would be beautiful after I cleaned them. Well, then I broke my ankle and they’ve remained in a pile in the backyard…..until yesterday!
I had to borrow my friend Matt Avella’s power washer, since mine was on the fritz!
I hooked up the garden house, the extension wand and tip, plugged it in and BOOM…the fun began!
I have six chairs to do and I’m just about done with the first one. It did take about a half hour, but it was 30 minutes of shear exhilaration. You start with something nobody wants and you end up with something everyone loves! I do have to put some teak oil and sealer on them, so it will take a little extra time. I think it will be well worth it AND then I can use them to sit on my behind for the next six months! 🙂
Ooh La La!