Read: Inspiration On A Post It Note
One day a couple years ago, I was food shopping, parked in a grocery store parking lot, came out of the store and began loading my groceries in the jeep when I noticed an envelope on my windshield. I’m sad to admit that my first thought was: “Ugh. What now.”. I open the envelope and there’s a note that says: “Have a good day!” attached to a scratch ticket. The intense rush of feeling surprised, “chosen” and humbled caught me off guard. What a lovely thing to receive and an even lovelier thing to do.
From my perspective, there are no accidents and the Universe is always in communication with us in every way possible: obvious, symbolic and sensory. I love when I recognize a sign and it’s always my intention to be more conscious and aware of the ongoing communication.
I start each day reminding myself to focus on what’s going well and to do what I can to make the day easier for others, something as simple holding a door or making room for a car to cut into traffic. I don’t always get it right but that’s always my intention.
I think what this guy is doing is amazing. More of this please.