Our Favorite Christmas Ornaments! -WROR Staff
Charlie Brown was about 95% right when he said, It’s not what’s under the Christmas tree that matters. It’s who’s around it. What about the ornaments, Charlie? They often tell our stories of Christmas past…
LOREN: My boys made this for me when they were in 1st and 2nd grades.
Right ear… cheeseburger. Left ear… package of bacon holding a six pack of beer!
LBF: OK, it’s not my favorite childhood ornament because my mom has those and she only puts up an outside tree so she doesn’t even take them out anymore!
The first one of Rhett Butler and Scarlett O”Hara: This is my favorite ornament because a.) Lucy loved Gone with the Wind the year Hallmark came out with the GWTW ornaments. And when I found this and pressed the sound button, the line was one that Dave Falcone sent to me when he was trying to get me to go out with him. It makes me smile.
And the Dumbo ornament was a present for Lucy because I sang “Baby Mine” to her all the time when she was a baby.
And I like that Dumbo’s mom’s ear is a little chewed because it reminds me that Sugar, my friend’s dog, was here one Christmas with my friend and her family. And that’s what Christmas is about: friends and family and dogs that chew ornaments!
HANK: This tricycle is my new favorite ornament because I bought it for my two month old grandson, Harvey! It is his very first ornament and it was the first one on the tree!
LUNGBOY: My Pear ornament! My very first ornament when I was a baby in 1974. It’s always my first one on the tree when it’s time to decorate. Make sure it’s high enough that kids and dogs can’t get to it now!
JULIE: This angel sat on the top of my REAL Christmas tree since my oldest was little. She was given to me, along with some other decorations, by a friend’s mom because I had none at the time. Her arms used to light up like she was carrying candles. Even though she’s a little rough around the edges now and her lights no longer work, she still tops my tree and always will.
JAYBEAU: I can’t pick just one so here’s eight!
PJ the Eternal Intern: This was given to me by my Papa and is always one of the first ornaments I put on the tree. I remember his tree having similar ornaments to this one so it always brings back some great memories of him. I love how old fashioned it is and how the date written on it is in his handwriting. It’s like I still have a piece of him at Christmas.