Video: Pillow Fight With Buddy The Elf In Boston!
Merry Christmas! This is AWESOME! Imagine coming across a random pillow fight with Buddy the Elf as you stroll through Faneuil Hall?! Damn! I gotta hang out in the city more often!
Merry Christmas! This is AWESOME! Imagine coming across a random pillow fight with Buddy the Elf as you stroll through Faneuil Hall?! Damn! I gotta hang out in the city more often!
Firefighter dresses up like elf, spreads holiday cheer in BostonHOLIDAY CHEER: This firefighter dressed up like Buddy the Elf and started pillow fights with strangers in Boston – and their reactions are priceless 🎅🎄
Posted by CBS Evening News with Norah O'Donnell on Thursday, December 6, 2018