The Latest Plastic Surgery Craze is CRAZY – LBF

25th June 1936: A woman judges the best ankle competition at the Cliftonville open air swimming pool. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Ugh. I cannot take it. I watch enough BravoTV to know the world is addicted to plastic surgery. And I guess if it boosts your confidence, then OK, but isn’t there ONE BODY PART WE CAN LEAVE BE?
Guess not.
According to the New York Post:
“Now, ankles – or “cankles” – are the next body part we’re going under the knife to alter. Cankles, for the uninitiated, refers to the area where the calf meets the ankle and there is no real distinction between the two leg parts. And women with thicker calves and ankles are turning to liposculpture.
“Small amounts of fat removal can change the shape of the ankle dramatically. The aim is to make the leg appear finer and more symmetrical,” explains cosmetic surgeon Dr. Meaghan Heckenberg of Sydney, Australia’s Be Sculptured clinic.
Less invasive than conventional liposuction, it involves a local anesthetic solution injected into the fatty tissue small horizontal incisions being made in the skin, then fine cannulas used to remove the fat, with the goal to reduce the bulk of the calf and make the lower leg look slender.”
Also, it costs $6000 and takes a year to see results.
BTW, you know who made up the word cankles?
Loren Owens says it was John Madden, who was quoted in the New York Times saying this in 2002:
“Also, as Madden looked at the physique of the Rams’ Jeff Zgonina, a 6-foot-2, 305-pound defensive tackle, he said, ”Ever see his legs?” He noted that the area between Zgonina’s calves and ankles — the cankles, he labeled them — were the biggest he had ever seen. (Madden, a former offensive lineman, has sizable cankles, too.”
But according to
“Most sources cite the 2001 comedy “Shallow Hal,” in which a character played by Jason Alexander comments about the overweight leading lady’s “cankles,” as: “It’s like the calf merged with the foot, cut out the middleman.” Then, in 2003, the word popped up in Glamour magazine, and the rest is body scrutinizing history.”
Either way, I’ve had it. For the love of sturdy legs, can we just leave ourselves alone?