Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Engaged! – LBF
Ok, so at FIRST, I thought: This is a mistake. Harry should spend the next 20 years living as a bachelor and sowing his wild, royal oats all over Europe and beyond.
But then, after reading a little more about Harry and Meghan Markle, I think this might be a decent match! They’re both in their 30s, each has his/her own career and she’s GOT A HISTORY. (She’s divorced.)
I’d like to think the royal family is embracing change.
Also, they’re a pretty royal looking couple, no? The wedding will be next spring.
And check out this cute interview:
Lauren Beckham Falcone is the co-host of Bob & LBF in the Morning. Formerly an award-winning reporter and columnist for the Boston Herald, she credits her current success as a pop culture commentator to watching too much TV as a kid and scouring the internet too much as an adult. LBF is a regular contributor to NECN and is an honorary board member at the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress. Lauren lives in Canton with her husband Dave and her daughter Lucy. Lauren writes about trending topics, New England destinations, and seasonal DIY.