Obsessed with GLOW!
I have to admit, I didn’t know the Netflix show was based on a real show from the 80’s, but you know who did? My husband. He’s in his mid-thirties and has 4 brothers. Of course they watched Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling!
I did a little research and found out GLOW was real and SPECTACULAR! Add it to the many reason I ❤️ The 80’s!
The Original Pilot: The leotards, the hair, the make-up, the music!
And, if you were a fan of Mad Men, the casting will blow your mind!
Oh hello, Mad Men reunion #Glow pic.twitter.com/eovl5maJPj
— Sani (@sanriel) June 29, 2017
The cast of Mad Men are basically in GLOW and I love it pic.twitter.com/OnPHvfogrW
— Caitlin (@caitlinplimsole) June 29, 2017
This show is just so special. I just bingewatched on a weekday #netflixglow pic.twitter.com/ngKF2gU9UY
— A Bully For Setting My Boundaries (@aikalog) July 12, 2017
Jamie is the WROR Marketing Director. Married to a man we all know and love as Dirt (don’t ask) and owns two little kids who are awesome most of the time. Lately, LBF has been a bad influence when it comes to TV and cocktails. See above and add tequila~